ALOWA is implementing Sustainable Energy Initiative is promoting and support women and community members in rural areas of Uganda to access sustainable Energy in their communities. Under this initiative, Community members are organized in local energy associations that will facilitate the transition to sustainable energy in Uganda. Through the Energy Associations, ALOWA is facilitating households in Uganda to access energy as well as enabling households themselves to generate energy. To achieve this, ALOWA is working with energy pioneers.
a) Facilitating and supporting the transition to renewable energy in rural Uganda
b) Assisting community members and energy entrepreneurs with training, access to new sustainable energy products, new
markets and finance.
c) Supporting Women energy entrepreneurs to provide people with access to clean cooking and solar lighting products that will
improve the standard of living and quality of life among rural people in Uganda.
The initiative has activities which focus on training, access to new sustainable energy products, new markets and finance.
1) Identification of Women Energy Pioneers from communities
2) Training Women Energy pioneers
3) EnergyDinners
4) Training facilitators for EnergyDinners
5) All in One Energy Packs
6) Sustainable Energy Academy
3) Formation of Energy Associations
4) Training women solar technicians
5) Training members of Energy Associations
6) Access to new and good quality solar energy product
7) support energy entrepreneurs to Access to finance (grants, loans and equity)