Capacity building has been identified as a core programme for ALOWA. Currently the capacity (knowledge, skills, and experience) of Women in relation to participation and empowerment is low. ALOWA is committed to ensuring that women in Uganda have access to relevant information, training, events and funding opportunities, and to providing meaningful and relevant support to individual women’s groups in rural communities for their activities. However, it is recognized that in order for future capacity building resources and events to be effective they must be targeted to meet the specific needs of Women, including the gaps in knowledge and skills. Each year, a capacity building needs assessment workshop will be organized with the participation of approximately 100 representatives from Women’s Groups, national and international NGOs & individuals and government officers to identify the needs and gaps as well as opportunities for capacity building. Other capacity building areas may include information sharing; accessing funds from donors, government and private sector; training to increase Women’s knowledge; training in comprehensive project design; onsite experience of project activities; comprehensive policy advice and increased research and analysis capacity